Sunday, May 18, 2008

Morrowind Help!

If any players have questions about my Blog or about Morrowind, comment this exact post about them. When you post a comment on this post, remember to give your email address so I can give you a full answer to your questions. Don't worry I won't give you any spam or anything, just the answer to the question.

Day of the Dead

In the Fields of Kummu, me and a Low level knight who was in the Imperial Legion, fought a horde of corprus stalkers. The stalkers weren't high leveled, but the real problem was that there were so many of them. He used basic Legion armor and a longsword, and I once again used TrueFlame. I had mixed armor, but most of it was Medium Armor. As we approached the dock I was ready to use fatigue draining spells, so that my partner could try to slash down the first wave of stalkers. As that happened, more stalkers came up to me, and me and my partner were seperated by the stalkers. I tried to use a stumble or paralysis spell so that there was a hole in the stalker horde so my partner could join up with me. As I used the spells I had to back up to decrease the chances of entrapment. I started to fall off the dock, and I knew if I fell in the water, the stalkers would easily entrap me there, and I would have little chance to get out. My partner started to mow down his section of stalkers, so more of the stalkers that were left went over to my partner. When that happened I used Spark to kill the damaged stalkers by me, and then I went to help my partner. We killed the last stalkers with ease, and I was glad of the results of my quest. This was one of my first group quests, because I travel alone most of the time, and I didn't know it would be this easy. I hoped to make a quest like this for Halloween, but I think I will make a group raid quest thats a little bigger for Halloween. So try this quest out with a partner, and get ready for the Halloween Quest for 2008.

The New Creature Classification

I have made a new creature classification for Morrowind. The classification is the amount of health a certain creature has. Its based on a level system, and the system is for every 50 points of health, its one level. So a level 30 would have 1500 health. The second part of the classification is degree of the creature. If its level 20-30, its Advanced, and 30-40 is Brute, 40-50 is Champion, and 50 above is elite. If its over 60, though, its a veteran elite. So thats the classification system, and if you need more information on the system, email me at

We need to save Morrowind

My job is to make quests that you could do on Morrowind, so it will always provides something new to try out. I make travels, ventures, arenas, and tournaments for Morrowind. If you didn't know, a travel is a quest that usually takes you around an area, like the Karstaag travel I posted, while a venture is a quest that goes from one area in Morrowind, directly to another. Arenas are like PvP, but you use NPC's dressed like your friends, and they have the same stats. Finally tournaments are you against matches of certain battles against certain monsters. I would like all the people who visit my blog, and I mean anybody, to comment THIS EXACT POST of ideas for new quests. I would also like comments of new KINDS of quests, so put your thinking camp on and save Morrowind.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Tournament of Kogoruhn

The tournament of Kogoruhn is very interesting. It has three stages of battle. The first stage is against 2 dremoras. There are pretty easy so use charged powerful blows to get them out of the way. If you have problems with them run away and use mulitple hit magic, like spark. You are probably gonna use multiple hit spells later in the tournament. The second stage is against a lich who has 4500 hp. This is a lot so get ready. Lich's are harder because they use magic and melee. You are gonna want to use a well-rounded weapon. At the start remember to use resistance spell so you wont have trouble with the lich throwing those fast spells. Try to get in close-quarters so it disrupts the spell targeting. After hitting him with some good blows start damaging his fatigue. For the entire match I used Trueflame. I chose to use fatigue absorbing spells so I got to replenish my fatigue, as well as damage his. After my switches between melee and fatigue drains, the lich will change from magic to melee. Try to use heavy blows now so his shield will break. Halfway through this part my wolf shield broke, so I had to remain with cunning and quick thinking. Have a high armorer skill for these kinds of tournaments, so you will have your shield for the entire match. After some heavy blows and fire-magic the lich will eventually go down. Be sure to stock many health and mana potions for the matches. The third stage is 3 gateway haunts with 5000 hp. This is the main battle of the tournament. My TrueFlame lost its charge in the first seconds, so I used quick, simple, combat spells like spark and fireball. Spark is the best because it can stun the haunts while attacking them all. My technique was to stun them all, then run back to the other corners of outer Kogoruhn so I can switch to combat and heal myself. Kogoruhn is a good place to fight because of its many corners and open spaces. Kogoruhn is located just a little bit North of Red Mountain, outside of the Ghostgate. Kogoruhn is also in the Burnt Forest. The area acts like a coliseum, so its more interesting. Now after doing my technique, the haunts will have only 2500 hp to go. The haunts will be in a triangle formation, so slashes are good to damage the frontline in 1 blow. Only use chops if a certain haunt is starting to do heavy damage. I switched from my Spark spells to fatigue absorbing spells. This will give me a chance to quickly wear down the haunts to low health. I use the same technique throughout the stage. After the long fighting, and heavy use of potions, you should be ready to take some down. In my case, my magicka was gone, so I had to use healing and straight attacks. This made taking down the haunts impossible, so I had to wait so it slowly replenished my magicka. After the magicka replenished I used heavy spells, like God spells. I chose God's Spark and with the combo of the draining shock for the spell, and my slashes, I was left with one haunt left. This haunts was quickly destroyed with my charged TrueFlame and fireball spell. The tournament left me victorious, and for most people, a chance to raise their long blade skill. Well have fun in the tournament of Kogoruhn. Its worth your time.

Full Castle Karstaag travel

Okay. Many people are wondering how you can do a full travel around Castle Karstaag. At first I had trouble with my attack and weapon setup, and my character was seemingly outnumbered. This is the first time I ever felt trapped in Morrowind. When I finally settled down I started the travel by goind around the Solstheim mountains and coming to the Castle from behind. First you have to cross the bridge, or you can swim across. I chose to swim, and you might encounter some bandits and a riekling raider party. You will have to start by killing the bandits, checking if they have any good items to continue fighting the rieklings. The raiders will start by trapping you and surrounding you. Silence spells are good and summoning will help a lot in the travel. After you first encounter with the rieklings you will keep traveling and soon the riekling raider parties will increase in size. You will only encounter 2 or 3 bandits in the travel. My biggest party I fought was 9 raiders. The travel should go to the back of the castle, fighting some horkers, and then circle around to go to the Karstaag ruins. Before the ruins you will probablt encounter a big party of rieklings. In the ruins you will fight your final, small party. If you survive this you just did a full travel around Castle Kaarstag, good luck.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Why Morrowind?

Many people said I should have chose Oblivion, but I find many flaws in that game, and I find Morrowind more fulfilling for players. When I played Oblivion I found it slow-paced, and there wasn't enough depth to the game. Oblivion may have beat Morrowind in graphics, but Oblivion has horses, which I find a distraction. Horses are only good for traveling, and I thought the horses could provide more opportunities, but it let me down. People who say Oblivion is better obviously never truly played Morrowind. Morrowind is more expansive and in depth with the player's surroundings. There are many secrets and treasures to hunt for, even I haven't fully discovered them all. Oblivion is more packed and not expansive at all. Horses also take away from the appreciation of the landscape. Landscape is important to me and I will give you more detail about it when I post blogs about events for Morrowind. Another point is that Oblivion has many places that look like exact duplicates from places in Morrowind. The main point I'm trying to say is that nobody can truly appreciate what Oblivion has, but you can dig deep in excitement and adventure in MORROWIND!!!

Learn about Morrowind

I learned about Blogspot from the WoW blogspot made by Hobbs. He had many videos and attracted many people. He helped a lot of them get into WoW, and he always could provide new material for them to get into. I wish I could do the same for gamers, but instead of using WoW I would use the game Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind. This would give people choices for games, so they wouldn't have to conform to WoW. Morrowind is also very different, like its not a multi-player game, however, WoW is. This would make my duty of attracting players and, for example, creating fun and interesting events, a lot harder. I think I'm up to the challenge and I hope I can get many people to subscribe and visit my blog, like Hobbs. So get ready for new material and new posts, and get ready to enter the world of MORROWIND!!!