Friday, May 16, 2008

Tournament of Kogoruhn

The tournament of Kogoruhn is very interesting. It has three stages of battle. The first stage is against 2 dremoras. There are pretty easy so use charged powerful blows to get them out of the way. If you have problems with them run away and use mulitple hit magic, like spark. You are probably gonna use multiple hit spells later in the tournament. The second stage is against a lich who has 4500 hp. This is a lot so get ready. Lich's are harder because they use magic and melee. You are gonna want to use a well-rounded weapon. At the start remember to use resistance spell so you wont have trouble with the lich throwing those fast spells. Try to get in close-quarters so it disrupts the spell targeting. After hitting him with some good blows start damaging his fatigue. For the entire match I used Trueflame. I chose to use fatigue absorbing spells so I got to replenish my fatigue, as well as damage his. After my switches between melee and fatigue drains, the lich will change from magic to melee. Try to use heavy blows now so his shield will break. Halfway through this part my wolf shield broke, so I had to remain with cunning and quick thinking. Have a high armorer skill for these kinds of tournaments, so you will have your shield for the entire match. After some heavy blows and fire-magic the lich will eventually go down. Be sure to stock many health and mana potions for the matches. The third stage is 3 gateway haunts with 5000 hp. This is the main battle of the tournament. My TrueFlame lost its charge in the first seconds, so I used quick, simple, combat spells like spark and fireball. Spark is the best because it can stun the haunts while attacking them all. My technique was to stun them all, then run back to the other corners of outer Kogoruhn so I can switch to combat and heal myself. Kogoruhn is a good place to fight because of its many corners and open spaces. Kogoruhn is located just a little bit North of Red Mountain, outside of the Ghostgate. Kogoruhn is also in the Burnt Forest. The area acts like a coliseum, so its more interesting. Now after doing my technique, the haunts will have only 2500 hp to go. The haunts will be in a triangle formation, so slashes are good to damage the frontline in 1 blow. Only use chops if a certain haunt is starting to do heavy damage. I switched from my Spark spells to fatigue absorbing spells. This will give me a chance to quickly wear down the haunts to low health. I use the same technique throughout the stage. After the long fighting, and heavy use of potions, you should be ready to take some down. In my case, my magicka was gone, so I had to use healing and straight attacks. This made taking down the haunts impossible, so I had to wait so it slowly replenished my magicka. After the magicka replenished I used heavy spells, like God spells. I chose God's Spark and with the combo of the draining shock for the spell, and my slashes, I was left with one haunt left. This haunts was quickly destroyed with my charged TrueFlame and fireball spell. The tournament left me victorious, and for most people, a chance to raise their long blade skill. Well have fun in the tournament of Kogoruhn. Its worth your time.

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