Sunday, May 18, 2008

Day of the Dead

In the Fields of Kummu, me and a Low level knight who was in the Imperial Legion, fought a horde of corprus stalkers. The stalkers weren't high leveled, but the real problem was that there were so many of them. He used basic Legion armor and a longsword, and I once again used TrueFlame. I had mixed armor, but most of it was Medium Armor. As we approached the dock I was ready to use fatigue draining spells, so that my partner could try to slash down the first wave of stalkers. As that happened, more stalkers came up to me, and me and my partner were seperated by the stalkers. I tried to use a stumble or paralysis spell so that there was a hole in the stalker horde so my partner could join up with me. As I used the spells I had to back up to decrease the chances of entrapment. I started to fall off the dock, and I knew if I fell in the water, the stalkers would easily entrap me there, and I would have little chance to get out. My partner started to mow down his section of stalkers, so more of the stalkers that were left went over to my partner. When that happened I used Spark to kill the damaged stalkers by me, and then I went to help my partner. We killed the last stalkers with ease, and I was glad of the results of my quest. This was one of my first group quests, because I travel alone most of the time, and I didn't know it would be this easy. I hoped to make a quest like this for Halloween, but I think I will make a group raid quest thats a little bigger for Halloween. So try this quest out with a partner, and get ready for the Halloween Quest for 2008.

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